Sara Juhasz - professional Photographer

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About me

Welcome to my page!

My name is Sara Juhasz, i’m 21 years old professional photographer. I started my journey as a photographer in early 2016. , as a young passionate high school student. My passion grew more and more with every single shot i made. In early 2020. i finished my school for photography and continued growing my love and passion for it. Going on many different events , such as parties , birthday parties , weddings etc. i found my real passion in taking shots of animals, nature , objects , cars and sometimes portraits of people. It’s such a lovely thing to stop something in time. That’s the thing about photography. Freezing the time and saving the memory.

„Seeing is not enough. You have to feel what you photograph“

Andre Kertesz

My wish for people who see my page is to inspire them. It’s not about money , it’s about having a wish and desire to create something and spend time for it. Time i use for my passion is never wasted. Photography is one of the things that gives me freedom and an open mind. You can create whatever you want without anyone judging you. You can try out so many different new things , you learn every day something new about photography. And there is no stop to it , that’s the power. Feel free to explore , it’s magical.

© 2024 Sara Juhasz – professional Photographer

Thema von Anders Norén